Friday, September 03, 2004

Hearty Gift

My Biography

My Childhood (Prekindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary School Grade)

I was born as the youngest child in family. That situation places me in an unique condition that I'll always be a little one and also be cared too much. Hmm, let me think my furthest memory, that's when I was... two years old, yea, when I was a very sweeeeet baby. I remember my red shoes which always accompanied my steeps with sound " tweet - tweet ". There was only a battery radio for amusing us in our woody home, no electricity, it's a very old-fashioned-time. The homes' roof was quite low, mainly the front room where I could hang the ceiling. We had a not-permanent-room at the top floor, I liked to sleep in there at night, my father always accompanied me to avoid me from falling downward. But when the electricity came, it was when I was about four may be, there'd be dangerous to use that room, so I couldn't go upstair to do some sleep.

* He he, actually I don't have enough memory about my age at my childhood time *

I was a careless little girl, for example I'd ever hurted my neighbour's child in an accident, that made me seemed naughty. Both my father and mother were working so I only could meet them at noon or evening, and my sisters also my brother were quite far from me in age, so I did't meet the adequate friends at home, eventhough like that, they loved me so (mainly, my father ). It ruined me lonely at home (sniff !!), so I tried to find friends outdoor. The children at my neighbourhood at that time were older than me and male. They received me to be their friend but sometimes they didn't and again I was left behind (sniff !!, again). Until then, when the younger ones were born, although they're also male, I think I had the better friends. We played together, yes I was the only girl among those boys, but I was older... and stronger. They couldn't left me behind. Ha ha ha, but I was a nice friend for them. But also, a careless one.

Sometimes I played with my sisters and brother too, they tough me to speak, ride bicycle, play kite..., it's beautiful. But it's just a little crush.... It's not enough to build my caracteristics, that the sisters and brothers should. By the way, it's just fine. We should find our identity on our own effort though. Oya, about my parents, just open my "Ode to my family" page . Do you know what's my favorite game ?, ha ha, yea, a tomboy girl's, just like playing the marble ball, kite, bicycle, climbing the tree, taking a rain-bath..., etc, but don't forget that I loved to read too, just like Smurf (and others of Peyo), Asterix, Books by Enid Blyton, Alfred Hitchock, Stefan Wolf...etc, even I made my own comics. I still remember that I "created" the creatures named Spusos for my comics, inspired by the cute imaginary creatures I fonded of, Smurfs !. Wow, all of them were fun !.

At the last years on my childhood I met good friends, we did many things together...hmmm. I also found a cute boy to be thought of, ha ha.

I think my childhood has been described enough. Let the other memories be kept on my mind, would you ?. Okay, now let's see, when Sitta was a teens....

My Teenage (Junior and Senior High School Grade)

May be it's my favorite ages, I met my important first time in there. I was so free in mind and also was so fresh to learn anything. I read many sweet books at my junior high times just like Candy-Candy, Pop Corn (Seito Shokun), Der Kleine Vampire, Detective Books ...etc, and heard Enya. I always had time for watching the sky, sunset,...moon that I can't do so that often lately. I grew and grew up more when entering senior high school grade, I can catched the meaning of the objects more. I still read my old books but also read the new ones just like Girl Talk, Dracula...etc. I also encouraged myself to read the serious book just like about Islam and other topics. Hmm, my teenage... when the first time that I created the nice short stories, comics, poetries and lyrics meaningfully. Oya, I met my sweet friends too at that times.

Ehm, actually I was (okay okay,...I am !) quite a shy girl at some events, just like when I have to speak in front off a large number of people, when I meet a new friend or when I meet a long lost friend. Ha ha, it really embarrases me. I think that bad mannor is caused by my childhood time, that I had not the adequate playmates. Sniff, how sad !. But I believe I could handle it soon.

My College Grade and Now

Actually, I'm not grown up enough but I always try to gather the lessons in my every step and breath (hmp !). I oftenly remember the past times and dream about them much. They really put my basic carasteristics, I'm not different much from myself when I was a child or was a teen. That's okay I think because I was not a bad girl, was I ?. I realize that sometimes I go on my childish way, but more time and experience are needed to be mature (am I right ?). Hmm, I have to go now, may be I'll write more then, but just enjoy this one, would you ?. Take care of you there !.

About Winter

Hmm, I really love winter. You can see it through how often I use the wintery situation in my stories and poetries.
In my country, I only can meet rain in winter, that's enough after all, but I wish to be on the snowy field, near the sub-tropical forest. Do you think it is too much ?.
In winter, I enjoy the cold weather, pale day, wet wind.... Hmm, cold, pale and wet sound gloomy sometimes, but what I mean is winter not disaster, lol.
May be this liking of winter was begun on my childhood. I loved to read the books or at least to see the pictures about fairytale that came from the European countries, the cold countries.
Childhood..., the time when I had no burdens on my back and no aches in my head, when the world was so wide, when I never be scared of tomorrow.
Meeting winter seems bringing me back to be a kid, how lovely.

About Tropical Country

I love winter, yes. But it doesn't mean that I don't like the place where I have been living in a lifetime: rich and beautiful tropical country, Indonesia. I thank God for that, that I could see the blue, bright and clear sky in allyear long. And don't forget the cool and gentle winds !, how I love them all.

Last updated on August, 1999


vla garda said...


v3ra said...

ehm punya blog nih yee