Tuesday, May 31, 2022

To The Fullest?


Hari ini 31.05.22, setelah bbrp hari terakhir berusaha mensetting pikiran, aku akhirnya mempunyai target dalam menjalani hidup: to the fullest. Loving the life I live sould be my first step, krn yg pertama kita perjuangkan seharusnya mmg adalah apa yg sudah kita miliki. 

30.11.2018, setelah sholat jum'at suamiku mulai sakit, tidak bisa bicara namu bisa menjawab dg anggukan dan gelengan hingga divonis stroke berat setelah lewat dari jam 9 malam. Ya Allah, menceritakan ini saja masih sangat membuatku bersedih.

Okt atau Nov 2020, kami bawa suami pulang kampung dg niat berobat dan menjenguk bapak yg sudah sakit2an. Rencana a uhwal hanya 3 bulan, berlanjut jd hingga lebaran, hingga tanpa kejelasan krn keponakan yg biasa membantu kami dilarang kembali ke Bangka. Pandemi covid19 masih melanda, aku pun ragu membawa suami pulang. Namun yg paling kusesali adalah mengapa kami harus terpisah, aku percaya bila dekat bersamaku, dia lebih bahagia. Aku seperti menyia2kan hidupku saat jauh darinya. Waktuku yg luang sementara suamiku sepi tanpa aku sbg teman hiduonya.

Juli 2020, keponakan sakit dan akhirnya meninggal. Suamiku terpukul dan kondisinya kurang terawat krn istri keponakan harus membagi waktu dan tenaga untuk merawat suaminya juga. Pandemi zona hitam disana, namun saat aku vc suami aku sadar harus menemuinya.

12.08.2021, suamiku meninggal tengah malam lewat sedikit. Hanya berjarak sekitar 10 hari dari keponakannya. Covid19, sptnya keponakan yg membawanya. Berjntung aku pulang, hingga kini aku bawa dampak covid19 krn aku ikut kena. Suamiku. Abi. Aku masih terluka. 

Mimpiku yg dahulu pernah kutulis disini sudah lama menunjukkan bahwa abi sudah di jalannya sendiri kini, aku semestinya mengisi hidupku dg hal yg lebih berarti drpd bersedih.  Mendoakannya. Mendoakan diriku sendiri.

Aku harus.

Harus hidup dg berarti.

Namun bercerita singkat begini saja aku masih menangis.


Monday, May 30, 2022


Many people have been struck by covid19. I myself got infected since I was with my hubby in isolation room.

Until now I often feel problem in my breath and am weaker. Sometimes I think I'm not gonna life for more long time.

And I feel so alone.

Hhh.. My writing is lame.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

My Life Since 12.08.21

 Or should I put the title: My Life Since 30.11.18

As at that day my husband got very sick. He got severe stroke; not the light ones like before since we married. 

And at the end of 2020, we should be apart as he was transferred to his hometown to get closer to his beloved father who was sick and weaker. It was planned for just about 3 months and he should be home after that. But the covid things and our nephew was not allowed by his mom to be back to my residence (his mom wanted him always near her).

That's what I regret so much as I lost a year with him. I visited like 4 times, stayed about one-two weeks on each visit. But it's not at home. I got an idea to ask the family to bring him back to me no matter what, but then I saw his condition became worst. The climax was when our nephew was struck by covid and passed away. I believe the same covid infected my husband as well.

At 12.08.21 he passed away at the hospital. Only about ten days after his nephew. Although I was with him at the covid isolation room, it's hard for me to realize that my husband would never come back home.

So, I have been like lost right now. Sometimes being at home is fun with all these sweet memories but sometimes it tortures me.

I just miss him so bad. At home. With me.

My life since 12.08.21 is lamenting and other gloomy things. He would hate that. He would hate me for doing what I am doing now.